Tag Archives: Change Behavior

Do you have a rebellious teenager? Are you struggling with troubled youth? How do you get them to change their negative behavior? Some would say you can’t change someone else. But according to Michael J. Merchant, the President of Anasazi Foundation, there IS a way to get someone to change, but the way to do it might surprise you . . . Transcript of A SURPRISING Way to Change Negative Behavior: Look, when young people are making choices they shouldn’t be making in their life, they’ve created a new need in their life and that’s justification—they have to explain it away. They have to explain it away—they have to make it okay to make those kind of choices—choices that would be harmful to themselves or their family. They have to justify it. And, too often, we give them the very justification they need to explain it away. And so, by us…

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