Tag Archives: Path of Water

The monsoon rains were coming down hard as the vehicle rumbled up the muddy mountain road to the RidgeWalker’s post. The typical routine for the Shadows (therapists at the ANASAZI Foundation) is to immediately tumble out of the vehicle, stretch our legs from the 3-4 hour road trip, then make final preparations to go down into the bands to sit with YoungWalkers. On this particular morning we parked the vehicle and nobody moved. Monsoon Season in Arizona Monsoon rains are often intense but brief and we hoped that this one would subside as we finished eating breakfast and reading the last few letters from parents. The rain pounding on the vehicle was so loud that we had to shout if we wanted to speak. It soon became clear that the storm was going to outlast us, so I donned my poncho and headed down to the BadgerStone boys band. I…

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