Tag Archives: Good Buffalo Eagle

What if, instead of concentrating on the negative, we concentrated on the positive? What if we ignored labels and instead focused on our seeds of greatness? Ezekiel Sanchez, the co-founder of Anasazi Foundation, talks about a different approach to seeing ourselves… Transcript of Stop Seeing Your Labels | See Your Greatness!: There is hope for a new beginning. Because Anasazi is not configured, or designed, like the regular therapeutic approach. We don’t concentrate on labels. We concentrate on their seed of greatness and what they can become. We don’t concentrate on the past either. What we do, is we take a child where they are and then we invite them to become better. And the only way to invite them to become better is by concentrating on their seed of greatness and seeing the good in them and not being judgmental or to blame them, or to make them do…

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Good Buffalo Eagle, co-Founder of Anasazi Foundation, talks about the Sacred Gift of Choice, given to all the Two-Legged Beings. From the book The Seven Paths Transcript of The Sacred Gift of Choice | Native American Wisdom: I am Good Buffalo Eagle. Hear my words. The Creator gave all two-legged beings. We call this the Gift of Choice. Regardless of where we are born, all come to earth with this gift. Along with the Gift of Choice, all Two-Legged beings have a sense of knowing right from wrong from the one Who Stands Within. Therefore, the Gift of Choice allows us to choose knowingly. My Pauline, the Woman of my Heart, states that in her Navajo language, life is a walking, a journey. So, if life upon Mother Earth is a journey, there are two ways to walk. By applying the Gift of Choice, we can choose to walk forward…

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Have you ever wanted a new beginning? Ezekiel Sanchez (Good Buffalo Eagle), co-founder of Anasazi Foundation, offers hope and advice for a new beginning. Transcript of A New Beginning: In the beginning, when we developed Anasazi Foundation, one of the things that we wanted to invite was for people to have a new beginning. And so, I’m often asked what is—what can Anasazi offer a person? And it comes in one word that I give, and I say: hope. And of course, the next question is: ‘Well, hope in what?’ Hope in a new beginning. All of us, at one time or another—during our walking through this earth—have always wished, sometimes, that we could just start all over again. If only I could start all over again, or if I could just have a new beginning. But really, there’s not too many places that will invite you and I to…

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